Ministries and Auxiliaries
Anointed Praise
Praise and worship leaders dedicated to leading choral praise and worship during worship services.
Dedicated to cleaning the church, maintaining the appearance of the church, and beautifying the church and grounds.
Building Fund
Dedicated to raising funds to maintain and improve church facilities and providing transportation.
Cathedral Voices
Mass choir dedicated to spreading the gospel through song.
Christian Education
Teachers and leaders of christian classes including VBS, Sunday School, Bible Study, Children’s Church, new membership class, etc.
Deacons and Trustees
Assists the Pastor by handling tasks associated with maintaining the church physically and spiritually. Assist in baptism, Lord’s Supper, receiving new members and serving as financial “guardians” of the church.
Deaconess Board
Serves the congregation by preparing Lord's supper, assisting with baptism, visiting and serving communion to the sick/and shut in.
Intercessory Prayer
Dedicated to praying for the pastor, members, and church body generally and specifically as the need arises.
Kitchen Ministry
Dedicated to serving meals to bereaved families, cleaning kitchen, preparing food when required to enhance worship services.
Media Department
Facilitates ministry by producing and maintaining audio
visual materials, improving sound system, implementing technology in the services, recording and distribution of services,
updating bulletin boards and installing overhead projectors.
Men's Ministry
Dedicated to being an example of holiness and leadership, supporting the church financially, evangelizing and growing collectively and individually as men adhering to the example set and instruction given by the pastor.
Ministerial Alliance
Dedicated to the growth and development of individuals called by God into the preaching ministry; assisting the Pastor by off-loading tasks that are associated with maintaining the church spiritually.
Missionary Society
Ministry of those whose service extends visibly outside the church walls.
Dedicated to visiting and following up with the sick and/or shut-in.
Mother's Board
Dedicated to serving the congregation in deed and example as is fitting of mature Christian women including, but not limited to, preparing the Lord’s Supper and assisting the candidates for baptism.
Nurse's Guild
Care team dedicated to ensuring pastors and ministers have necessary supplies and caring for the needs of the church as a whole as related to worship services.
Pastor's Aide
Dedicated to assisting the Pastor.
Psalms 149
Dedicated to exhortation and worship of the Lord through dance.
Champion Youth Church
Dedicated to providing spiritual leadership and nurturing to the youth to prepare them to take up the mantle of ministry, to cultivate their spiritual gifts and to edify the youth as a whole. CYC Page
Usher Board
Dedicated to maintaining order during worship services.
Welcome Ministry
Dedicated to welcoming and follow up with visitors, new members, absent members, and candidates for baptism. Maintain contact information, membership registration, and visitor information.
Women's Ministry
Dedicated to being an example of holiness; growing collectively and individually as women.